utopian prescriptions
Soap Carving with Lee Cutter from
the Koestler Trust
commemorative soap series, for the lost hospitals of the NHS

utopian prescriptions

the Koestler Trust

~ Brief History of Healing
Part 2
BHoH Part 2 ran from August - October 2019, and was based at ArcadeCampfa in Queens Arcade shopping centre in Central Cardiff. The converted meds trolley was redeployed from the hospital to the shopping centre, and again, the public were invited to engage in conversation about institutionalised care and the therapeutic environment, whilst engaging in a therapeutic activity : printmaking, sewing (images : hammocks, slippers & sleepmasks using repurposed NHS curtains), soap carving (images: commemorative soaps in memory of the lost hospitals of the NHS), colour mixing, painting and improvised music making. Exhibitions of all the resulting work from the entire BHoH season took place at ArcadeCampfa & the Hearth Gallery, Llandough Hospital during Sept-Oct 2019
BHoH pt 2, ArcadeCampfa 2020 ID : hammocks, pharmacy ladder from Whitchurch Asylum with baskets from the Basket Exchange placed on the steps
BHoH pt 2, ArcadeCampfa 2020
ID : overhead projection showing found image of dog wearing a party hat, visitors mixing colours on the OHP to create moving light show across the image, open invite scratch band playing improv music

BHoH pt 2, ArcadeCampfa 2020
ID : hammocks made with repurposed NHS curtains with gallery visitors resting in them. audio within the hammocks played the sound of willow being woven
All images taken by Gail Howard and Clare Charles
BHoH parts 1&2 was funded by ACW, CAVUHB and ArcadeCampfa
Thanks also to Glenside Hospital Museum and Whitchurch Hospital Historical Society for the loan of archival material and patient made artwork for the accompanying Musuem of Healing.