creating the ‘garden’
James Cocks & Gail Howard
workshop by Johnny

Workshop and new accessible toilet for g39 opening with Round the Toilet Collective

The Vacuum Cleaner yn cynnwys ni publication by Nick Davies
~ yn cynnwys ni
does that include us?
The culmination of a year-long period of curatorial mentoring offered by g39, supported by DASH and Disablity Arts Cymru, yn cynnwys ni was a multi-artform programme of events curated by GH that took place at g39 in Cardiff and presented by artists, facilitators and activists, some who identify as disabled and some who don’t. Beginning with a series of artist/user led workshops and talks around themes of
access, inclusion, empathy and diversity within the arts and the wider community and finising with an exhibition which included paintings by the blind painter Sargy Mann, performances by Noemi Lakmaier and mental health artist/activist The Vacuum Cleaner. Using the g39 space itself as a starting point, the programme responded to feedback from participants by building a bar/social space, a fully accessible toilet, a ‘garden’ in the car park and a wheelchair accessible large scale stage in the centre of the space. This became a kind of
visual arts version of Speakers Corner, and in the second half of the programme provided a physical platform for artists to explore themes of access, empathy, labels, margins/mainstream and the under representation of minoritised groups in both audiences and programming.GH and the artist Nick Davies also produced a publication/audio book as part of the season.
Contributing artists :
Noemi Lakmaier
The Vacuum Cleaner
Sargy Mann
Nick Davies
Dept of Disability
Johnny Cotsen
Mr & Mrs Clark
James Cocks
Nic Finch
Rosie Moriarty-Simmonds